I’m in central Florida managing 5 acres with sporadic, invasive Brazilian cherry trees (Janka rating (hardness) 2350) along the fence line. Start up was surprisingly easy. Liked especially how they…
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I’m in central Florida managing 5 acres with sporadic, invasive Brazilian cherry trees (Janka rating (hardness) 2350) along the fence line. Start up was surprisingly easy. Liked especially how they…
I’ve only had my Mighty Mac for a couple weeks, but it’s been outstanding the few times I’ve used it. It bogs down occasionally with a 3″-3″ tree, but still…
I own a farm and need a reliable chipper. I have had several others never working as expected leading to lots of disappointment and frustration. Decided to go all out…
The chipper works much better than I thought and I’m glad I bought your American Made product. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to buy a well built piece…